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There are already loyalist sites for almost all of the other big-name trumpet producers; Buescher made some incredible instruments that have mostly been forgotten. In 2011 I began researching trumpets, and I discovered many wonderful things about many great brands, but the only stuff I could find on Buescher was what a few select people were posting in the trumpet forums. I became obsessed and decided that I would be the one to gather all that information and put it in one place on the Internet.

This site was really a creation of necessity as I began exploring the Buescher line of trumpets and cornets and could find little to no information on them. Luckily I stumbled upon TrumpetMaster.com and TrumpetHerald.com and met up with a few guys (VetPsychWars, Axelip, and Beaukoo) who had been amassing information. These 3, along with a few others, are truly MY sources of information. I consider myself pretty well versed on Buescher Trumpets and Cornets now, I consider these guys to be either Experts or the closest thing to an Expert.

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